Participant Management
How do I add a new participant?
Maintaining detailed participant records is essential for the integrity and success of research. It ensures ethical standards are met, enhances data accuracy, and streamlines the research process. Accurate records support effective data analysis and protect participant privacy, making it a cornerstone of trustworthy and efficient scientific investigation.
1. Create your Research Project
Choose an existing project to add participants, or start a new project

2. Add Participants
Input your participant's information, and in the 'Related Project' field, select the project in which the participant is involved.

3. Enhancing Participant Privacy: HIPAA Compliance Feature
- • If your project involves or requires PHI/HIPAA compliance, please check the 'Use Identifier Code' box.
- • This feature enables the generation of a nickname to safeguard your participants' identities.
- • Remember, Landmark adheres to HIPAA regulations. Should you require documentation for your IRB, please reach out to your account executive.

4. Secure Consent Form Management for IRB Compliance
- • Ensure no consent form is misplaced by storing them securely to meet your IRB requirements.
- • Upload signed consent forms and any necessary documents for your records, attaching them to each participant's profile.
- • If you're managing multiple sites or groups, you can assign participants accordingly.