Profile Settings

How can I update my profile information?

Update your profile information in three simple steps to make sure your details are up to date.

1. Navigate to your profile

  • • Locate 'Administration' on the left side of the screen, then find and click 'My Information' in the menu bar.
  • This will direct you to the page where you can view and update your profile details.
Navigate to profile

2. Edit your profile

  • • Review your Information: On the 'My Information' page, you'll see your details, including your Name, Email, Phone Number, Title, Website, and Google Scholar ID.
  • • Click 'Edit My Information': To update your details, simply click the 'Edit My Information' button at the bottom of the page.
Edit profile information

3. Update and review

  • • Update your information: Use the editable fields to make changes to your name, contact details, title, website, and other relevant details.
Update details

Save your changes

  • • Review Your Changes: Ensure that all the new information entered is accurate and complete.
  • • Save the Updated Information: Click on the 'Update my Information' button to save your profile with the new update.

Frequently Asked Questions