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How to Manage Your Billing Details?

Research Projects

What are Research Projects?

How to set up a Research Project

How to add a new participant?

How to edit a participant?

Can I add other Researchers to my account?

Team Roles


Can I send a personalized template?

Do you have any examples of transcriptions in Spanish?

Do you transcribe and/or translate in other languages?

Accepted File Formats for Transcription

What is speaker tracking?

What are timestamps?

What is the difference between non-verbatim and strict verbatim?

What is your standard turnaround time?

What is your rush turnaround time?

What is de-identification?


How much do you charge for a translation service?

How do you guarantee translation accuracy?

What languages do you translate?

What is de-identification?

De-identification stands as a cornerstone in the ethical handling of research data, particularly when dealing with the sensitive content often found in transcripts. The significance of de-identification transcends its role as a methodical procedure; it embodies a commitment to participant privacy and adheres to ethical standards and legal requirements. By meticulously removing personal identifiers from transcripts, researchers uphold the anonymity of their subjects, ensuring that personal details cannot be traced back to the individual, thus maintaining the trust inherent in the participant-researcher relationship.

When it comes to transcripts, de-identification is a meticulous process that involves:

By systematically applying these de-identification strategies to transcripts, researchers can confidently contribute to the collective body of knowledge, knowing that they are protecting the privacy of their participants and upholding the highest standards of research ethics.


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